
Saturday, January 12, 2013


No matter how long I live, some things will never cease to amaze me.  My husband and I went out for dinner tonight he wanted pizza, so we drove to a restaurant about 30 minutes from our home - we live in a pretty rural area.  The restaurant is a national chain - a franchise. 

We ordered a specialty pizza, he was pretty anxious to try it.  I have to tell you, I have NEVER eaten a worse pizza; it was horrible.  I think it's the first time I've ever eaten dry pizza...  After two bites, I decided I was finished.  This left me plenty of time to just sit and observe.  I know better than to face the kitchen!  Given my occupation, it's never a good idea.  As I was talking to my husband waiting for him to finish, I noticed  a horses head over the "wall" towards the kitchen...what?  I did a double take, sure enough - the cook had some headgear on that resembled a horses head, hair and all!  I'm not a prude and I don't mind employees having a good time but really?  Is this acceptable?  Should this be acceptable?  Of course not.

In the meantime, a little boy - about 7 years old - was at the salad bar alone making himself a salad.  He dropped his bowl and all of its contents on the floor.  Not certain what he should do, he began attempting to clean it up.  He placed the contents that had spewed all over the floor back into the bowl, as several of the establishments employees walked around him.  No one offered to help and I don't know where his parents were.  After he had everything cleaned up to his satisfaction and back in his bowl, he placed it back on the salad bar and start adding more to the contents.  Just as I was about to get up, an employee finally came over to rectify the situation. what point is it proper to intervene?  What made those employees think it was OK to just walk around that little boy and not help him?  Let alone, allow him to place that dirty bowl and its contents back onto the salad bar...this establishment was not busy - not that that would have made it acceptable.

I enjoyed my lemonade and our waitress was very nice, so it wasn't a total loss.  Won't be in any rush to go back.

And, for those operators that are wondering.  If you wouldn't do it if the health inspector was standing there, you shouldn't do it when they're not.

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