
Sunday, December 30, 2012

WOW...What A Year We've Had!

One more for 2012...

Yesterday I made a list of goals and objectives for 2012 (a first for me without being forced).  Doing so, forced me to reflect on the past year.  I find myself a bit amazed at what we have accomplished.  I'm not the type to sit around and pat myself on the back, so many times we accomplish what we set out to do and move on to the next "big thing".

Though I have over 35 years of food service industry experience, I founded my own business in 2008;  I had been working as an independent contractor since 2006.  I truly didn't intend to start my own company, believe it or not, it's something I was "forced" to do (that's a whole other story - I could write an award winning book, on that one).  Anyway,  back to the point,  I didn't really start actively pursuing business until January 2011.  I started teaching "public" classes in three cities.  My very first "public" (public vs private, corporate, etc.) had two students!  Well, I'd been through this before - when I worked for another company.  I helped grow that company to where it is today.  I can do this, I thought as I drove home calculating the money that class had COST me to teach...ugh.  My original plans for the company didn't work out.  One or two people (who talked me into this) bailed before we even got started!  I need a new plan...I am a survivor and I will make it, that became my motto.  If other companies can do this, so can I.

I knew before I started I needed a solid brand, I had that.  I'd hired a wonderful company to help me with all of my branding and marketing.  Now I need to get the message out.  What is the most effective, least expensive way to accomplish this...

In the past twelve months, I have hired a Training Coordinator, an Accountant, and two Trainers.  We are training in - not three cities - but six states!  We have a facebook page that is viewed in twenty countries around the world and read in eighteen languages!  Food Safety Training Solutions, LLC publishes a monthly news letter that goes out to two thousand subscribers in three countries!  And, I learned how to tweet (hahaha).  I write a monthly article for a local Chamber of Commerce.  We have been contracted to teach for two colleges, and obtained two state certifications.  We have also been asked to conduct some speaking engagements.  And, have our own personalized stationary!  Thanks Laura and Amber - I love you guys:)  Not bad for twelve months.

So what's next, I would like to get back into third party audits and inspections.  I love that work.  I hope to get more involved with the TIPS program and possibly RAMP, again in 2013.  I want to hire another trainer and maybe, one more office person.  I will hit 3,000 "LIKES" on facebook - funny how that is now a measurement of how we're was a year end goal, close but won't quite make it.  It would be awesome if I could be at 10,000 by this time next year!!! Who knows...I'm a dreamer.  There's more, but I guess it's not good to publicly share ALL of my plans...

I want to thank everyone that's been a part of this amazing, crazy, process.  I appreciate each and everyone of you more than you know, your support is how I get through some of the most difficult days - and there have been a few.  My husband and my kids have been amazing, I love them so much.  Most of my friends have been very supportive, I can't tell you how much it means...Again, thank you all.

I hope everyone one has a safe and happy new year!  One more thing...does this mean that I can soon get a comfortable office chair??? 

Stay safe, be happy!



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